2021 AW "A house with a view" Architektur+Wohnen → read article
2019 Callwey-Verlag "Sculpture in the garden" in The 50 best single-family houses in the German-speaking world by Katharina Matzig → read article
2016 HÄUSER special issue The 100 best offices for single-family home architecture from Germany, Austria, Switzerland by Ansgar Steinhausen.
2016 DVA "Haus am Havelsee - Bühne zum See" in 55 Dream Houses, Best of Häuser Award
2015/5 DVA-Verlag "Bühne zum See. House in Ferch near Potsdam" in Small houses, great residential architecture by Bettina Hintze
2015/3 Houzz "Small extension big time: a conservatory with industrial charm" by Eva Zimmermann
2014/5 Berliner Morgenpost "A house moves with the times" by Katrin v.Raggamby → to the article
2014/4 quartier "Creating values. Tailor-made living spaces. A visit to Hannelore Kaup" by Isabel Ehrlich → read article
2014/4 FAZ "Häuschen streck Dich" by Jörg Niendorf → read article
2014/2 HÄUSER "Häuser des Jahres 2014" Häuser-Award 2nd prize by Dorothea Sundergeld → read article
2013/1 cube "Second life of a bungalow. Residential extension in exposed concrete in Lichterfelde" by Falk Jäger → read article
Essays, Publications
"New Glasses* by H.Kaup Arch +, in GLAS Construction and Technology, ed. Sophia and Stefan Behling
RECOMBINATION. Vom städtischen Wohnen und Arbeiten" (Of urban living and working), TU Darmstadt FB Architektur, draft SS 1999, lectureship on energy-efficient construction
DAI Deutsches Architektur Institut in Berlin, TU Darmstadt FB Architektur, draft WS 1998/1999, lectureship on energy-efficient construction
ARCH + editorially responsible for Baufokus (BF) 1997 to 2001, issues 141 to 153 → Overview
141 The architecture of the jumping universe, BF Klimafassaden and Bautec
142 Architecture of course, BF Wilkhahn, Aeronautics
143 The modernity of modernity 1, BF multi-skin façades
144/145 Upcoming transparency, BF Experimental glass construction, Glasbau Seele
146 The modern age of modernity 2, BF The mobile office, Office - complete systems
147 Riding the Tiger, BF Mobility Concepts, Drive Systems, Navigation
148 From the box to the blog and back again, BF blow-up design, wayfinding systems, traffic
149/150 Media architecture, BF Industrial construction with concrete, concrete and formwork technology
151 Mini-houses in Tokyo BF Franz Mayersche Hofkunstanstalt, Light guidance systems
152/153 The networked house, BF Networks and buses, Interfaces, Wearable computers, Interface